IN conjunction of World Autism Day 2018 which falls on April 2, ARTOTEL
Thamrin, Jakarta held “The Gifted Ones” Art Exhibition at ARTSPACE, M Level
ARTOTEL Thamrin, Jakarta. The series of social activities titled the art
exhibition showcased paintings by 11 children with autism aged 15 years to 20
years. Some of the works include Bima Ariasena Adisoma, Diego Luister Berel,
Indhy Mutiarahmah, Muhadana Trayusa, Daya Olivia Korompis, Fero Adhi Mada
Sardjono, Jane Gabriella. This exhibition of paintings is sold to the public on
a silent auction system. Besides the exhibition of works of art, a series of
activities was also filled with workshops, and one of Diego’s painting was
Photo shows: Diego posed with his parents and Daya Pelita Kasih (DPK’s)
School Principal, Iwan Sintera and Harry Bern, Visual Art Teacher.